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Concrete GPR Project In Sunny Isles, Florida

Concrete GPR Project in Sunny Isles, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was hired to complete a concrete gpr project in Sunny Isles, Florida. The project involved scanning interior and exterior walls to locate reinforcing steel. The engineering needed to know the location of the reinforcing along with spacing and depth of the steel to allow for modification of an existing pump station. Several wall cuts were to be performed to allow for the installation of windows and doors. The technician on site was able to locate the reinforcing steel pattern by using a 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna manufactured for concrete applications. The gpr unit allows the technician to scan large areas by pushing a handcart over the concrete surface. The antenna sends electromagnetic pulses or signals into the concrete. The signals are sent back to a control unit which displays the results in real-time. Due to the highly reflective properties of the steel, the rebar can be easily located. The technician is able to mark the results on the surface with approved markings. Measurements on spacing and depth can also be determined and supplied to the customer. The project results indicated vertical rebar at 10″ on center and horizontal rebar 6″ on center with 2-3″ of cover from the wall surface. The concrete wall thickness varied from 8″-12″ thick. Based on the results, the engineer could calculate if the structure could support the new openings and the amount of additional rebar needed around the openings. GPR only requires 1 technician to complete the service and requires very little calibration time. The concrete scanning can be completed on floors, walls or ceilings depending on the type of work being completed. The gpr scanning can also locate post-tension cables and conduits embedded in the concrete.

Please call today to schedule your next ground penetrating radar scanning project. We can be reached at 305-807-2971.

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