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Concrete Imaging In Miami Lakes

Concrete Imaging in Miami Lakes

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was contacted for concrete imaging inside an existing warehouse prior to saw cutting to install new plumbing and electrical lines in Miami Lakes, Florida. The contractor was interested in determining the thickness of the concrete slab along with the type of reinforcing steel and spacing in the concrete. The image scanning was completed by pushing the gpr cart over the surface to locate the reinforcing steel along with any conduits in and directly below the concrete. There were several trenches that were marked out by the contractor inside the warehouse. It was determined that the slab on grade concrete contained wire mesh and was approximately 5” thick. The GPR technician was able to locate and mark the conduits directly on the surface with red spray paint. The approximate depth to the top of the conduits was also determined and also marked on the concrete. The saw cut areas were scanned in a grid pattern with multiple scans in each direction. The technician used a 2700MHz ground penetrating radar antenna during the concrete imaging service in Miami Lakes. A utility locating wand was used to locate live electrical conduits or other voltage lines. The gpr unit can also be used to determine the location and depth of post tension cables, rebar, pipes, and the location of grouted/un-grouted cells in block walls. Ground penetrating radar emits electromagnetic pulses into the concrete with no radiation hazards. GPR poses no additional health risks. No buffer zone is needed during the gpr scanning. Construction work can continue concurrently while the concrete scanning service is completed. No downtime time is needed. Additionally, only one side of the concrete is normally required to complete the scanning. GPR Scanning Services, LLC offers coverage throughout the South Florida area. Call us today for pricing on your next ground penetrating radar concrete scan or utility locating project.

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