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Concrete Imaging Project Using GPR

Concrete Imaging Project using GPR

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed a concrete imaging project using GPR in Miami, Florida. The contractor hired GPR Scanning Services, LLC to scan the concrete prior to drilling to install plumbing and electrical lines for a new restaurant. The contractor only had access to one side of the concrete, a parking garage was directly below the slab and was inaccessible for scanning. The building site was under active construction and the customer was concerned about using X-ray due to the release of harmful radiation. Ground penetrating radar releases no radiation and was the preferred choice to complete the scanning project. The GPR technician was able to mobilize to the site and scan around each area marked in orange spray paint by the contractor. A total of 25 locations of various sizes were scanned using GPR. The GPR technician was able to mark out the location of the post tension cables, rebar and conduits directly on the surface with crayon and clear coat to preserve the markings. With the GPR results marked out, the contractor could determine where to drill without damaging any structural reinforcing embedded in the concrete. The accuracy of GPR scanning is 1/2″ in depth and 1/4″ to the center of the reaction. The 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna can scan concrete up to 18″ in thickness and is dependent on congestion of pt cables, reinforcing steel and conduits. The scanned GPR images are displayed on a control unit and are interpreted by the technician in real time on site, with no delay or processing time needed. The rapid results help to save the customer time and money. The average scan time for GPR is 15-20 minutes per 2′ x 2′ location. The technician can also determine the depth and spacing of the reinforcing along with slab thickness.

Please call us today to schedule concrete GPR scanning on your next project. We offer competitive GPR scanning rates with flexible scheduling.

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