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Concrete Radar Scanning Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Concrete Radar Scanning Fort Lauderdale, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was hired to complete a concrete radar scanning project using ground penetrating radar on a concrete slab in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The customer was saw cutting multiple trenches to install new electrical and plumbing lines for a new restaurant. The general contractor was concerned about damaging utilities in and below the concrete. The technician arrived to find the proposed trenches marked out with spray paint. The technician was able to scan along the perimeter of the trenches along with scans inside the trenches to ensure all utilities were located prior to saw cutting.

GPR scanning only requires access to one side of the concrete, making it the preferred scanning application for slab on grade concrete projects. GPR is also able to give real time results, quickly and accurately. The technician used a 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna for the service. The 1600MHz antenna specializes in locating post tension cables, reinforcing steel, and conduits in the concrete. The antenna is capable of scanning concrete up to 18″ thick. The antenna sends electromagnetic pulses into the concrete, the results are then sent back to a control unit for interpretation by the technician. The technician based on the results, can locate and mark pt cables, rebar, wire mesh and conduits in the concrete.

During the service, the technician located a plumbing line and electrical line. The approximate depth of each utility was given to the customer to prevent damage. A utility wand was used to scan each trench area for live power or other conduits. A utility transmitter was placed on 2 exposed utilities inside the unit. The transmitter emits a signal which allows the utility wand to determine the direction and approximate depth of the utility. Please call us today to discuss your concrete radar scanning needs. Hourly pricing and flexible scheduling available.

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