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Concrete Scanning In A Condo Building In Miami, Florida

Concrete Scanning in a Condo Building in Miami, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed concrete scanning in a condo building in Miami, Florida. The contractor was drilling new penetrations in a bathroom which involved moving a bathroom sink, shower, and toilet. The contractor was drilling 2-4″ cores and 1-3″ core to install the new plumbing lines. The building engineer required GPR scanning prior to any drilling inside the building. The technician was able to scan the elevated concrete slab using ground penetrating radar to locate and mark the post-tension cables, conduits and reinforcing steel so they would not be damaged during the drilling. The radar scanning was completed using both a 1600MHz and a 2GHz ground penetrating radar antennas. The antennas send pulses into the concrete which were displayed on a computer screen and interpreted by the technician. The technician marked the results on the surface using a permanent marker. The real-time results allowed the contractor to drill immediately after the scanning service was completed. The contractor was able to complete the drilling safely without damaging any pt cables, rebar or conduits. GPR is an excellent application for high use buildings, GPR only requires access to one side of the concrete for slabs up to 12″ thick. The service can be completed with less manpower and site time than traditional x-ray service and is much safer releasing no harmful radiation. It can be used on slab on grade projects to locate conduits or utilities buried in and directly below the concrete slab. The ground penetrating radar service is also partnered with a utility wand that detects live power and other low voltage lines.

Please contact GPR Scanning Services, LLC to discuss your concrete scanning project. Coverage is available throughout Florida. We offer low hourly rates based on location. We also offer utility locating services. Please visit our website at or call us at 305-807-2971.

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