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Ground Penetrating Radar Scanning Project Orlando, Florida

Ground Penetrating Radar Scanning Project Orlando, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was hired to complete a ground penetrating radar scanning project on a concrete slab in Orlando, Florida. The customer needed to saw cut multiple trenches to install new electrical and plumbing lines for a new retail store. The general contractor was concerned about damaging existing utilities based on plans obtained from the management office at the outlet mall. The plans indicated live electrical running beneath the slab. In addition, existing plumbing was being moved to accommodate the site design. Our technician was able to mobilize to the site to complete the concrete scanning service.

The technician scanned 2 trench areas approximately 1′ wide x 7′ long and 18″ wide x 8′ long using a 1600MHz ground penetrating radar unit. The gpr unit is designed to scan concrete to locate anomalies in and directly below the concrete slab. GPR only requires access to one side of the concrete and is the proven method in scanning slab on grade concrete. GPR can locate reinforcing steel/rebar, post tension cables, conduits and voids in the concrete. A hand cart is pushed across the slab and electromagnetic pulses are released into the concrete. Those pulses are sent to a control unit for display. The technician is able to interpret the data on the display based on extensive gpr training. The results are delivered in real time and marked on the surface for review. GPR poses no health hazards and is safe to use in all public settings with no safety or buffer zone required. The technician followed up the gpr scanning by used a utility wand to check the trench areas for live power. The utility wand can detect live power along with other utilities such as gas, water, communication, site lighting and other low voltage lines.

Contact GPR Scanning Services to request pricing on your concrete scanning needs. We offer hourly pricing and flexible scheduling.

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