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Ground Penetrating Radar To Scan A Concrete Spillway

Ground Penetrating Radar to Scan a Concrete Spillway

GPR Scanning Services, LLC used ground penetrating radar to scan a concrete spillway. The gpr concrete scanning project was located in Glades County, Florida. The general contractor was hired by the county water management district to scan the spillway prior to core drilling. The general contractor needed to drill numerous 2″ and 4″ cores to test the overall strength of the concrete slab. Based on the test results, the slab would be reinforced with additional support as needed. The concrete was approximately 32″ thick. The gpr unit was able to penetrate the concrete approximately 12″ deep to locate the top mat of rebar. It was determined that the bottom mat of rebar was stacked directly below the top closer to the bottom of the slab. The scan depth was diminished by the amount of moisture present in the concrete due to the concrete being submerged under water for over 50 years along with the tight spacing of the reinforcing steel. The technician used a 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna with a handcart to scan the concrete. GPR was an excellent method to scan and locate the reinforcing steel, due to the fact, that only one side of the concrete slab was accessible. The project had a tight timeline for completion and the gpr service was able to quickly and accurately locate and mark the reinforcing steel directly on the surface with spray paint. The results of the concrete scanning service were available in real time and allowed drilling immediately after completing each area. By using GPR, it allowed other trades to continue working nearby as ground penetrating radar releases no radiation and poses no other health hazards.

We also offer concrete scanning to locate conduits in and below the slab. Please contact us today to discuss your concrete scanning needs. We offer hourly pricing with night and weekend scheduling available.

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