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Locate Underground Utilities Using Ground Penetrating Radar

Locate Underground Utilities Using Ground Penetrating Radar

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was called by an environmental firm to locate underground utilities using ground penetrating radar for soil borings in Miami, Florida. The project was completed at an airport to assess site conditions for future construction and expansion work. A total of 8 soil boring locations were cleared of utilities, using gpr and electromagnetic induction by use of a utility wand. The utility locating service was completed by scanning a radius of 15′ around each soil boring with multiple passes using the gpr unit. The utility wand is used to locate live power and other radio frequency signals. The technician was able to determine the presence of utilities beneath the ground and mark them directly on the surface using approved markings that can include spray paint, flags, sketches and maps. A sewer main was located during the scanning, within 3′ of the first soil boring location. The approximate depth to the top of the sewer main was determined to be 36″ below the surface. The technician advised to move the location 3′ to avoid damage. No other utilities were located in the radius of the proposed  soil borings.

The 400MHz GPR antenna is designed for utility locating along with other applications. The antenna can reach depths up to 10′ in certain soil conditions. The antenna is attached to a cart along with a computer unit which allows for large areas to be scanned and analyzed. The antenna releases electromagnetic pulses into the ground and the results are displayed on the computer unit for interpretation by the technician. The utility wand is designed to detect live power and allow for locating of other utilities by using a separate transmitter to connect to exposed utilities.

GPR Scanning Services, LLC offers hourly pricing and flexible scheduling. Please call today to schedule your private utility locating service throughout South Florida!

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