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Locating Underground Storage Tank In Orlando, Florida

Locating Underground Storage Tank in Orlando, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was contacted by a residential homeowner to assist in locating underground storage tank  in Orlando, Florida. The homeowner had recently detected the smell of gas on the patio near the swimming pool. The homeowner had resided on the property for many years and there were no record of a propane tank or any underground storage tanks on the property. The homeowner called the gas company and a plumber who were unable to locate the propane tank. The plumber recommended calling GPR Scanning Services to locate the tank and the line leading to the patio.

The utility locator was able to determine the exact location of the line using a utility transmitter and wand. The transmitter emits a frequency signal which allows the wand to locate buried utilities. However, the location of the tank was still a mystery. Ground penetrating radar was used to scan the area where the technician lost the signal. The ground penetrating radar unit is capable of locating underground storage tanks along with utilities. The 400MHz antenna is attached to a cart and is pushed over the surface. Metallica objects are easily detected with gpr radar. GPR scanning is used extensively to locate underground storage tanks at gas stations and commercial sites.

The technician was able to locate the buried propane tank and mark it directly on the surface. The location of the tank was on the side of the property in a heavily landscaped area. The property owner was relieved to know the location of the tank. As an added service to the customer, the technician used a shovel to uncovered the top of the tank as located with georadar. The marked location was exactly on top of the tank. The propane tank appeared to be abandoned, the gas smell was determined to be in the old propane line that was not capped off near the patio. Please call GPR Scanning Services, LLC for assistance on your next underground locating project. We provide underground utility locating throughout Florida.

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