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Private Utility Locating In Florida

Private Utility Locating in Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was contacted by a customer to locate private underground utilities at Fawcett Memorial Hospital in Port Charlotte, Florida. The customer was installing new electrical lines to connect the main power to a newly constructed hospital wing. The work involved locating private underground utilities in an area approximately 1000′ long by 6′ wide. The private utilities were located using 2 specific locating services, ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction (EM). By using our services, the customer was able to safely install the electrical lines without costly damage to utilities.

Ground penetrating radar better known as GPR, can locate utilities and anomalies to a typical depth of 3′-8′.  The GPR antenna sends electromagnetic pulses into the sub-surface and is transmitted to the a control unit. The control unit processes the data and the data images are viewed in real time on a small monitor. GPR can locate metallic, non-metallic, and PVC pipes. This is an excellent method to locate abandon pipes or other conduits which may not be live. GPR can also locate underground storage tanks and related piping, aid in the detection of voids or sinkholes which could be caused by water leaks or soil erosion and forensic discoveries including cemetery mapping.

EM service is completed using a utility wand/transmitter. The utility wand is able to detect live underground power. A transmitter tone or signal can be placed directly on metallic pipes, tracer wires and other wires to detect underground utilities. The frequency tone or signal is sent from the transmitter and allows the utility wand to locate the underground pipe or utility. This is an established method for locating of gas and electric lines, metallic pipes and other buried pipes and wires.

As the private utilities are located, the findings are marked directly on the surface with spray paint and flagged, if appropriate. Depending on the size of the area, the service can normally be completed in a matter of hours. For private utility locating or other GPR services, contact us today!

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