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Radar Scanning And Utility Locating Service In Boca Raton, Florida

Radar Scanning and Utility Locating Service in Boca Raton, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed a recent project in Boca Raton, Florida on the campus of Florida Atlantic University. An environmental service company was completing a site assessment to determine where to place support beams for future expansion. GPR Scanning Services, LLC was hired to locate underground utilities prior to drilling 7 soil borings inside the campus facilities building. The university was aware of utilities running beneath the building and no as-built plans were available. Ground penetrating radar and electromagnetic induction were partnered together to clear the 7 locations for utilities prior to site work.

The utility locator scanned an area of 5′ x 5′ around each location with 2 separate gpr scanning antennas. The 1600MHz gpr antenna is designed to locate embedments in the concrete such as post tension cables, rebar and conduits. It can also locate shallow conduits directly below the slab. The concrete scanning unit releases electromagnetic pulses at 45 degree angles and the results are displayed on a computer unit for interpretation. The hyperbolas can then be marked on the surface in real time. The 400MHz gpr antenna can detect underground utilities up to 10′ in depth and can locate buried electrical, water, gas, sewer along with other unknown hazards. The 400MHz antenna is attached to a utility cart which is pushed across the surface. The cart allows for larger areas to be located for utilities in a shorter amount of time. An electromagnetic induction wand was used to sweep each location for live power. A transmitter tone was placed on several exposed conduits to determine their location and depth under the slab. All findings were marked on the surface and communicated to the customer prior to completion of the underground utility locating service.

Please call GPR Scanning Services, LLC for a quick no hassle quote on your next underground utility project. We offer hourly pricing with no job

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