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Radar Scanning Using Ground Penetrating Radar In Miami

Radar Scanning using Ground Penetrating Radar in Miami

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed radar scanning using ground penetrating radar on a concrete slab in Miami, Florida. The general contractor was drilling 3/4″ holes on multiple balconies to allow for swing stage scaffolding to be secured to the building. The general contractor was concerned about hitting post tension cables, rebar and conduits when drilling. The GPR technician was able to locate and mark the PT cables, reinforcing steel and conduits directly on the surface with crayon. The quick real time results, allowed the customer to drill immediately following the gpr scan on each balcony. GPR poses no health risks so residents and workers did not need to leave the area while the concrete scanning work was completed.

The GPR technician used a 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna to scan the concrete. The antenna is specifically designed for use in a variety of concrete applications. Such as locating post tension cables, reinforcing steel/rebar and conduits embedded into the concrete. It can also determine concrete thickness, depth of the cover to the top of the reinforcing along with grouted/ungrouted cells in block walls. GPR emits electromagnetic pulses into the concrete. Those pulses are sent from the antenna to a control unit and displayed on the screen for analysis. A 2′ x 2′ scan area normally requires 15 minutes to complete. The results are marked on the surface with customer approved markings. Additionally, only one side of the concrete is required to complete the concrete imaging. Ground penetrating radar is the best method for scanning of slab on grade concrete. A utility locating wand can be used to locate live electrical conduits in and directly below the concrete slab. Customer safety is the #1 priority for each job.

GPR Scanning Services, LLC offers hourly pricing for the Miami/Fort Lauderdale area. Need a quote? Call us today for a free quote on your ground penetrating radar scanning project!

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