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Concrete GPR Scan using Ground Penetrating Radar

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was contracted to perform a concrete gpr scan using ground penetrating radar in a condo building in West Palm Beach, Florida. The project consisted of gpr scanning several areas prior to the customer penetrating the slab to move existing water and sewer lines. The concrete slab was approximately 10 inches thick and contained post tension cables, reinforcing steel and conduits. Only one side of the concrete could be accessed due to homeowners living below the scan…

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Locate Underground Utilities Using Ground Penetrating Radar

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was called by an environmental firm to locate underground utilities using ground penetrating radar for soil borings in Miami, Florida. The project was completed at an airport to assess site conditions for future construction and expansion work. A total of 8 soil boring locations were cleared of utilities, using gpr and electromagnetic induction by use of a utility wand. The utility locating service was completed by scanning a radius of 15' around each soil boring with…

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