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Underground Utility Locating In Jacksonville, Florida

Underground Utility Locating in Jacksonville, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was hired by a private school in Jacksonville, Florida to locate underground utilities at a high school football field on campus. The customer was installing lacrosse nets at each end zone of the football field. The nets would prevent lacrosse balls from leaving the field of play. To secure the nets, numerous poles were to be placed in the ground to a depth of 4′. The school was aware of several electrical and drain lines close to the construction area. By using a private underground utility locating service, damage to underground utilities are minimized. The locator was able to locate 2 electric lines, several drains and 1 unknown line running at an angle across the field. The football field surface was synthetic Field turf which did not allow spray paint markings, the utility lines were marked on the surface with utility flags. Approximate depths for each line were given to the customer.

The utility locator used a 400MHz ground penetrating radar antenna manufactured by GSSI. The radar scanning is completed by pushed the unit over the surface, changes in soil density are displayed on the control unit for interpretation by the locator. The underground GPR scanning can locate buried underground utilities up to 10′ in Florida. The scan depth is dependent on the size of the target being located and actual soil conditions at the time of service. Ground penetrating radar is non-destructive and the preferred method to locate underground buried utilities. A Radiodetection utility wand was also used to locate the underground utilities. The utility wand can detect live power and other utilities by using electromagnetic induction. GPR Scanning Services, LLC is a full service underground utility locating company. Locally owned and operated with service throughout Florida. We offer competitive pricing and hassle free quotes. Call today to schedule your next underground utility locating service.

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