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Underground Utility Locating Near Homestead, Florida

Underground Utility Locating Near Homestead, Florida

GPR Scanning Services, LLC was contacted by an electrical contractor to locate underground utilities near existing light poles and conduit trenches in an apartment complex. The existing light poles were being removed prior to installing new poles and the digging of trenches for new electrical wiring. The contractor had previously damaged some utility lines during construction and was concerned about damaging other unknown utilities. GPRSS was able to quickly mobilize to the site to complete the underground utility locating service.

The utility locating service consisted of scanning around 15 individual light poles along with multiple trenches to install new conduit to power the lighting. The scan area was a 5’ x 5’ radius around each light pole. A 400MHz ground penetrating radar unit along with a underground utility locating wand were used on this project. The radar scanning unit is capable of reaching depths from 3’-10’ depending on soil conditions. The utility locating wand is used to detect live power and other RF signals. The utility locator scans each area in a grid pattern to ensure complete coverage with the GPR cart. A radial sweep is then completed with the utility wand. The utility findings are marked on the surface with spray paint along with marking flags. After completion of the service, the results were discussed with the site contact. Any limitations or concerns were addressed prior to demobilizing from the site.

Before beginning any project that involves excavation or digging, it is recommended to call Sunshine 811. Sunshine 811 will mark out any public utilities on site. A private locator will then locate and mark any private lines along with any unknown utilities. GPR Scanning Services, LLC offers hourly pricing with no job minimums. Call today for a free proposal on your next project. Locally owned and operated based in South Florida.

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