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GPR Radar Scanning On A Bridge

GPR Radar Scanning on a Bridge

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed gpr radar scanning on a bridge in Pompano Beach, Florida. A local contractor was hired to replace brackets for a water line attached to the bottom of an existing bridge. The replacement involved drilling new anchor bolts to hold the brackets in place. There were a total of 25 new brackets being installed with 2 anchor points at each location. A total of 50 gpr scans were completed during the service. Each scan location was challenging to access, due to the limited radius for the bucket lift to operate. The setup for the scanning involved navigating the bucket lift around bridge columns and existing utilities attached to the bridge. Once the lift was in place, the harnessed gpr scan technician was able to scan the concrete locations using a 2.7 GHz ground penetrating radar antenna. The antenna is capable of reaching depths up to 24″ but for this project, the contractor was only drilling the anchors to 5″ in depth. The scan locations were scanned to determine the direction and layout of the reinforcing steel in the concrete. As the reinforcing steel was located, the technician would mark directly on the surface using a black crayon. A straight edge was used to connect the results of the gpr scans. With the locations scanned and located, the contractor could safely drill into the concrete without damaging the reinforcing steel. The customer was instructed to stay 1″ from all markings when drilling. A written report on the findings was provided to document the work. The written report consisted of a narrative of equipment used, screenshots of data and a photo of each location. GPR can also be used to locate post-tension cables, conduits, and voids in the concrete. GPR releases no radiation and is safe to use in high traffic areas.

Please call us for more information on the GPR services that we offer. Free quotes and flexible scheduling available.

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