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Ground Penetrating Radar And Utility Locating Miami

Ground Penetrating Radar and Utility Locating Miami

GPR Scanning Services, LLC completed concrete scanning for underground utilities at a new food store just outside of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. The project consisted of scanning several trenches prior to saw cutting. The general contractor was installing new electrical and plumbing to service the store. The contractor was concerned that several electrical conduits were buried directly below the slab and would be damaged, if not located prior to cutting.

The locating service included using ground penetrating radar and an underground utility locating wand to locate the underground pipes. A 1600MHz ground penetrating radar antenna attached to a handcart was used to scan the trenches. The trenches were scanned in a grid pattern to maximize scan coverage. The findings were marked directly on the surface with spray paint. GPR scanning can cover large areas quickly. Using gpr has many benefits over x-ray on slab on grade concrete projects. GPR scanning only requires access to one side of the concrete, x-ray requires access to both sides on the concrete. GPR radar scanning poses no health hazards; x-ray requires safety buffer zones due to the release of harmful radiation. The processing time with ground penetrating radar is minimal and the results are displayed in real time. X-ray service requires processing time to coordinate the results.

A utility locating wand was also used to detect live power and other utilities by electromagnetic induction. Exposed piping can be traced by placing a signal onto the line with a transmitter which emits a signal traceable by the locating wand. Several electrical conduits along with 2 storm water drains were located and marked during the underground locating service.

GPR Scanning Services, LLC is a locating company with over 7 years of field experience. Call today to receive your free quote on your next underground utility locating or concrete scanning project.

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